Your Gift Can Do Even More!
Did you know every time you give online, credit and debit card companies charge Renaissance Church a portion of your gift as a service fee. It’s usually only a few bucks, but over a year, that really adds up. Last year Renaissance Church had to pay over $25,000 in fees!
We have partnered with a new giving platform that charges ZERO fees! That’s $25,000 of your tithes and offerings going back into the work of The Kingdom of God!
Here's What You Need to Know
Manual Givers
If you’ve been giving online manually, meaning you go to our giving page every time you donate, you don’t need to do anything differently. Our links have already updated to the new site. Things will look a little different, but they work the same way. Here’s what the new page looks like:
Recurring / Automatic Givers
If you’ve set up recurring or automatic giving, we need you to take two quick and easy steps.
Follow the link for your campus and choose the “Monthly Donation” Option. Then complete the rest of the form. When you’re done, return here for Step Two.
Follow the “Push Pay” link to cancel your existing recurring gift. This will prevent any “double withdrawals” from your account.